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Version 3.x > ASPX templates > What is the best practice for getting the child nodes of a document? View modes: 
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Certified Developer 9
Certified Developer 9
jkh80 - 2/25/2009 5:57:15 PM
What is the best practice for getting the child nodes of a document?
I'm having some trouble getting the child nodes for a document. After I have created a TreeNode object representing the document that I want to get the child documents for, what do I do next?

int parentId =22;

CMS.TreeEngine.TreeNode parent =

I see that the TreeNode object has a NodeChildNodesCount property for getting the number of child nodes, but I'm a little lost besides that, as I'm extremely new to Kentico. Any help would be appreciated.

Also, please excuse my ignorance if this is in the documentation somewhere.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 3/3/2009 6:18:32 AM
RE:What is the best practice for getting the child nodes of a document?

You can use following sample code to get all nodes under parent node:

DataSet ds = tree.SelectNodes("SiteName", parent.NodeAliasPath + "/%", "en-us", false);

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek