ASPX templates
Version 3.x > ASPX templates > how to add a ready made templete to CMS View modes: 
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edfish123-hotmail - 10/30/2008 6:29:50 AM
how to add a ready made templete to CMS
hi for all
i have a ready made template,
i wont to add them to Kentico cms in some easy way that makes me able to use them frequently

thank in advanced

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 10/30/2008 8:22:33 AM
RE:how to add a ready made templete to CMS
Hi Wassim,

If you use the ASPX templates please see here:

for more information about creatin a new ASPX page template.

If you are using a Portal engine please see here:

You could also use an ASPX template in the Portal engine. Please see here for more details:

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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WASSIM - 10/31/2008 6:43:14 AM
RE:how to add a ready made templete to CMS
hi Helena
Thank you for your reply,

actually the thing am asking is not how to create a new template, its how to import a new template,

i have about of 400 ASP template ( ready made template) i wont to import and use them in CMS

could you please help me???

best regards,

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 10/31/2008 9:14:50 AM
RE:how to add a ready made templete to CMS
Hi Wassim,

thank you for the better description of your issue.

You could use our API – our API Reference could be found here:

Unfortunately, we have not any custom codes for importing new templates.

You could create an empty PageTemplateInfo (with CMS.Portal Engine.PageTemplateInfo() constructor), assign the needful properties, especially:


and save it with:


Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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neelima.vidyarthy-mcxess - 8/18/2010 9:56:54 AM
RE:how to add a ready made templete to CMS
Hello all,

I also have a problem with adding a new template.
I have created a new templete in aspx, now I want to add this templete to the cms. I have followed the following path:

Site manager->development->website->new template->
Then, Set display name and code(for ex : FAQ)
Select aspx page option
when I select the file name it says file dose not exist, but I can see the file in the list. When I select the file it also displays the path of the file but it is still saying that file dosen’t exist.
Please help.
I need to add new template to the cms of my website.
Thanks in advance.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 8/19/2010 5:44:19 AM
RE:how to add a ready made templete to CMS

Could you please register it in:

Site manager -> Development -> Page templates?

Please see the documentation: Creating a new ASPX page template

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova