Installation and deployment
Version 3.x > Installation and deployment > Error in deployment: Data not found or the package is not a valid export package View modes: 
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Certified Developer 9
Certified Developer 9
reino.boonstra-avivasolutions - 2/10/2011 4:11:20 AM
RE:Error in deployment: Data not found or the package is not a valid export package
Reading out this thread doesn't supply a verifyable answer to the issue. It looks like it's been around for a while. I'm facing the same issue and i'm unable to solve it.

Are there any updates on this?

using kentico 5.5 in development environment and trying to create a second site in the site manager.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/15/2011 11:02:09 AM
RE:Error in deployment: Data not found or the package is not a valid export package

could you please send us the export package you are trying to import to our support e-mail address so we can inspect it and reproduce the issue?

What is the exact version number of the CMS you are using?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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