Installation and deployment
Version 3.x > Installation and deployment > Server 2003, extension-less URLS - Port number in form action? View modes: 
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acorn - 10/22/2008 10:21:52 AM
Server 2003, extension-less URLS - Port number in form action?
I'm having an issue with deployment. It seems relatively minor, but it causes an issue with some browsers (i.e. Safari). My problem is, with my deployment configuration being Server 2003 (IIS6), extension-less URLS, if you look at the HTMLl source of a rendered page, the ASP.NET's form action URL contains a port number (in this case :80). Most browsers ignore this, but Safari puts the port number in the address bar, and sometimes CSS styles and such get interrupted.

For example, my main page's form action tag looks like this: <form action="" id="aspnetForm">

Does anyone have a solution for removing the port number in the form action URL? It seems like this is a server configuration issue, but I'm not totally certain.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 10/23/2008 6:09:09 AM
RE:Server 2003, extension-less URLS - Port number in form action?

could you please check if you have specified port manually into domain alias (SiteManager -> Sites -> edit site -> 'Site domain name' field and 'Domain aliases' tab)?

If not so, this issue must be caused by your IIS settings and in this case please ask your server administrator or hosting provider regarding this issue as Kentico CMS is not adding this port to action attribute.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova