Installation and deployment
Version 3.x > Installation and deployment > Free license key View modes: 
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glenh - 10/8/2008 12:14:39 AM
Free license key

I recently downloaded the trial version and had a quick look through. I left it for a while and went to start it up again but my trial key has expired.

I have downloaded a free license key but not quite sure how to install it?

Is it possible to do this and if so how?

Thanks to anyone who can help.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_zbysekn - 10/8/2008 4:23:27 AM
RE:Free license key
You will need to get to CMSSiteManager.
So if you have installed your Kentico CMS on domain localhost to virtual path TestingSite you will need to access it using http://localhost/TestingSite/CMSSitemanager/.
Then you will switch to licenses tab and enter your new free license.
Then your site should be available again.

P.S.: It is possible that your application will need restart, you can do it in CMSSiteManager->Administration->System.

Best Regards,
Zbysek Nemec

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developer - 10/8/2008 3:13:42 PM
RE:Free license key
I've entered the License Key for the Free Version and see it listed on the License page.

Here it is below:
dohsfpchd5004:7928 Full license Free ok.

So now when I go to switch to CMS desk I get

Requested URL: http://dohsfpchd5004:7928/CMSDesk/default.aspx

Validation result: Not available

Why do I keep geting this result? Is the Key bad what? I'm trying to test this and use the free version License? What am I doing wrong then?

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developer - 10/8/2008 3:14:54 PM
RE:Free license key
I also restated the application as you mentioned previously for the other post.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 10/9/2008 5:38:35 AM
RE:Free license key

Please note, that the trial version is Enterprise edition, so the error could be caused by the difference of Free and Enterprise edition – please see here for Feature matrix of all editions:

If you are not still aware of a problem, could you please send us your export to, so that we could reproduce your issue? You can export the site by going to Site Manager -> Sites and clicking the Export button next to the given web site in the list.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova