Installation and deployment
Version 3.x > Installation and deployment > Culture chnage after import View modes: 
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ben.tufnell-octopusmt - 11/10/2008 10:10:53 AM
Culture chnage after import
Hello there, I have sucsessfully exported my website from a localhost development, and imported it to an installation on my web server. Everything seemed to work fine, except for the culture type of all my documents has changed from "English - United Kingdom" to "Arabic - Algeria". I have checked the culture settings of the same documents on my localhost version and none of them are set to "Arabic - Algeria". Is there any reason why this has changed?? I've tried to work out how to change the culture settings of the files but I can't seem to find where to do it?


Steven Jack

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_mirekr - 11/11/2008 2:27:17 AM
RE:Culture chnage after import

Thank you for the forum post.

We are already aware of this issue. Unfortunately, this behavior is caused by the fact that there is a bug when exporting/importing site from version 3.1a to 3.1a. In the process of import all of the language versions are preselected.

In this case you would need to navigate to CMS Site Manager -> Sites -> Choose your site -> Edit -> Cultures and unselect all of the unnecessary cultures here.

I’m sorry for the inconvenience that this behavior is causing to you and we will fix it in the new release of Kentico CMS.

Best Regards,

Miroslav Remias

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neil-fourmangos - 11/25/2008 1:22:58 PM
RE:Culture chnage after import
Hi - we had something similar. As a work around you can do a restore from another database file which should do the trick. It's not the best way to go but if you have the content correct on your staging/dev environment - you can then repurpose that to the live environment.

Just wanted to add this in there.