Installation and deployment
Version 3.x > Installation and deployment > Deployment to clients' server View modes: 
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hazana11-gmail - 1/21/2009 9:22:11 PM
Deployment to clients' server
After purchasing the server license, we will be developing the site using kentico in our development machine and hosting our clients' site in our server using the procedures explained in documentations.

what if the clients want to host their site in their own server in a future date.

How will this be possible? Have we got to install kentico in our client's or any other hosting server also? What about the license then, do we have to share it with them.

Please let me know about this.

Thanking you in advance for your support.

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WayneJ - 1/22/2009 3:08:43 AM
RE:Deployment to clients' server
Hello Hazana,

There are 2 options how to solve cases when the client wants to move their website from your server

1. The client will need to purchase separate license for their web.

2. You will need to transfer the whole server license into their property.

Best regards,

Wayne Jasek