Installation and deployment
Version 3.x > Installation and deployment > The document does not exist in current culture. You can create a new culture version of the document. View modes: 
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sjoere-gmail - 2/1/2009 4:34:36 PM
The document does not exist in current culture. You can create a new culture version of the document.
I created a site on my dev machine and exported it to a shared hosting environment. When looking at my content tree, I get the message " The document does not exist in current culture. You can create a new culture version of the document." The message also specifies the culture in question.

When I go into the Site Manager, open the site's settings, open the Default Content Culture and re-apply, the message in the content tree appears again, but now for a different culture.

Both my dev machine and hosting environment use the free edition.

Any thoughts?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/2/2009 7:40:42 AM
RE:The document does not exist in current culture. You can create a new culture version of the document.

I am sorry for this inconvenience but there is a bug in the export module - all cultures are pre-selected by default. Could you please send us message to and we will send you the hotfix package. Moreover, the domain name you are using can be helpful. We can generate time limited enterprise license so you will be able to remove the unwanted cultures.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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sjoere-gmail - 2/2/2009 3:14:12 PM
RE:The document does not exist in current culture. You can create a new culture version of the document.
Hi Juraj,

thanks for the reply. I've sent a mail to support so hopefully I'll get the hot fix soon.

Sjoert Ebben