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Version 3.x > Portal Engine > E-commerce - Billing address, Default country View modes: 
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gavin.bates - 12/10/2008 9:13:48 AM
E-commerce - Billing address, Default country

Going through the Checkout process of the Kentico E-commerce there is a section that requests country. How is it possible to set the default to somewhere other then USA?

Have changed the 'Default Country' within - Tools > E-commerce > Configuration > Store settings > General - to United Kingdom, but it made no difference here...

Thanks in advance!


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fr-clmm - 12/10/2008 9:41:26 AM
RE:E-commerce - Billing address, Default country
Perhaps, try it with "country;state", without states use "country;" (semilicolon after country!)

This worked for me with BizForms..

kind regards

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gavin.bates - 12/10/2008 9:56:36 AM
RE:E-commerce - Billing address, Default country
Hi Florian

Yeah did see the thread about that topic, Although I cannot find anywhere within the CMS or site files (yet!) that lists the countries in a similar way to a Bizform, for the E-commerce.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 12/11/2008 12:46:00 AM
RE:E-commerce - Billing address, Default country

The change you have made in the store configuration is only for the tax - you select your country where you are selling your products, so appropriate tax can be calculated.

You have to do your need programmatically. The file, you have to change is "ShoppingCartOrderAddresses.ascx" located in "<your web project>/CMSEcommerce\ShoppingCart\". The code, which is affected should be around the line 68. Here is a sample code:

<cms:CountrySelector ID="CountrySelector1" runat="server" UseCodeNameForSelection="true" CountryName="Australia" />

or you can use the country ID from the CMS_Country table:

<cms:CountrySelector ID="CountrySelector1" runat="server" UseCodeNameForSelection="true" CountryID="284" />

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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gavin.bates - 12/11/2008 3:06:16 AM
RE:E-commerce - Billing address, Default country
Hi Juraj

That makes sense - just set to 492 for the UK and job done!

Thanks again!