Portal Engine
Version 3.x > Portal Engine > Send to a friend View modes: 
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Darren - 11/28/2008 10:49:11 AM
Send to a friend
I'm just testing out the 'Send to friend' web part. I've set it up on my news repeater so it appears on the selected item transformation. This works fine but when you send it ALL the news items appear in the email.

How do I configure it so it only displays the news item the user is reading at the time?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 12/2/2008 5:15:45 AM
RE:Send to a friend
Hi Darren,

Could you please describe it with more details how did you added it to the repeater?

I think that the easiest solution is to place this web part directly to the page template of the news documents so it will appear on each news document and only this document will be sent. Just like the example in the E-commerce site.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Darren - 12/4/2008 11:31:45 AM
RE:Send to a friend
I added it to the same page as my news repeater and set it so it only shows for the CMS.News document type. That way it appears when a news item is displayed (using the selected item transformation) but it sends ALL my news articles if you use it.

Is this the incorrect way to use this webpart?

I don't have access to the E-Commerce demo site so I don't know how it is set up there. I guess I could install it and have a look.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 12/5/2008 7:19:50 AM
RE:Send to a friend

I have configured the web part in this way and it is working fine:

Show for document types: CMS.News

Path: . (dot for current path - http://www.kentico.com/docs/devguide/appendix_b___path_expressions.htm)

Document types: CMS.News

Transformation: CMS.News.Default

I hope it iwill help.

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Darren - 12/5/2008 8:09:20 AM
RE:Send to a friend
Aaah, I wasn't aware of using a dot for the current path. That was where I was going wrong, I orginally had the path pointing to my news item sub folder which would explain why it was showing everything. Changed it to a dot and it now works great.

In fact that path expressions document is very interesting, I haven't come across that one till now. I didn't realise the different options you have.

Thanks for your help Juraj.