Portal Engine
Version 3.x > Portal Engine > Problem with Telerik Grid and Ajax View modes: 
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daniel-fusionware.com - 12/21/2008 8:24:31 AM
Problem with Telerik Grid and Ajax
I have developed a user control for integration into a Kentico site that I am working on.

Inside this user control is a Telerik grid which operates using AJAX fine if it executes outside of the Kentico environment, however when the control is integrated into the CMS the grids AJAX functions fail to work.

If I remove the AJAX from the Grid everything is fine.

Has anyone else experienced this issue with Telerik controls in Kentico and is there a known issue or workaround?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 1/5/2009 5:28:36 AM
RE:Problem with Telerik Grid and Ajax

Are you using the grid as a web part or as a control inside Kentico CMS?
Could you please send this control to our support so we can see the details and inspect it? Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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daniel-fusionware.com - 1/13/2009 7:05:17 AM
RE:Problem with Telerik Grid and Ajax
Hi, thanks for the response.

I initially had the grid located in a user control which was dynamically loaded on execution. I have added the control directly to the page and it seems to have fixed the problem