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Version 3.x > Portal Engine > Is Kentico WebForm Style Heavy? View modes: 
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basire-gmail - 1/30/2009 8:06:14 AM
Is Kentico WebForm Style Heavy?
Now my personal preference is if i have to code in ASP.NET, I like the ASP.NET MVC way more then the ASP.NET WebForm way. Is Kentico more of a WebForm Style of coding or a ASP.NET MVC Style of coding?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/3/2009 4:46:12 AM
RE:Is Kentico WebForm Style Heavy?

Kentico CMS is more focused to WebForm way, but I do not see any problems to try to use the ASP.Net MVC approach.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus