Portal Engine
Version 3.x > Portal Engine > Faster Development with Kentico View modes: 
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hazana11-gmail - 1/21/2009 9:12:08 PM
Faster Development with Kentico
In the initial designing stage of the site in kentico, the designer gives the Html code of the site to the kentico developer.

The kentico developer takes the code and converts the necessary areas into webzones. This takes almost about half an hour to do because there is no design view and it is always necessary for the designer to identify correct area to be converted to zones by refering to the design.
Is there any way of making this process quicker or is it possible to do it in a quiciker manner with practice.

Please let me know your suggestions of doing it in a quick manner.

Thanking you in advance for your support.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 1/28/2009 10:12:20 AM
RE:Faster Development with Kentico

If I am getting the right meaning, this is the only way you have described. We are trying to improve the development in every version. I hope some more features regarding to this will be available soon.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus