Portal Engine
Version 3.x > Portal Engine > news Item display issues View modes: 
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steven.jack-octopusmt - 2/11/2009 6:21:38 AM
news Item display issues

Right so I have say a news item, which has the newList control on its template. So when I view the news item, the details of the news item are displayed within the newsList control.

The problem I have is that below this I want to display say the latest 5 news stories but If i Add another news list control it picks up just the current news story related to the page you are on and displays that. Can I set this up so or is it a limitation?

Kind Regards,

Steven Jack

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/12/2009 6:41:50 AM
RE:news Item display issues

I assume that you are using repeater web part to display the list of news. There is a property in the web part configuration - Select Top N documents, so you can set it to 5. Then, you need to order the documents on Order by property e.g. using: "ReleaseDate DESC" where ReleaseDate is the code name of the field, where the release date is stored.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus