Portal Engine
Version 3.x > Portal Engine > Inserting Divs into the Webzone Body View modes: 
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Samar - 2/5/2009 9:18:27 AM
Inserting Divs into the Webzone Body
now i have a website that consist of many pages. so im considering using a single webzone and updating its body" <cc1:CMSWebPartZone ID="xyz" runat="server"/>" by inserting several divs inside it...and in these divs i put my webparts instead of using several webzones each with its own webpart(s)...is it applicable??
im using kentico version 3.1a

plz if anyone can help that would be great...i really need to know ...

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 2/9/2009 3:40:24 AM
RE:Inserting Divs into the Webzone Body

Could you please explain us your purposes?

Why should it be better to have 1 web part zone with divs with web parts inside instead of several divs with web part zone inside each of them?

Why you would like not to use more web part zone?

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova