Portal Engine
Version 3.x > Portal Engine > Workflow issue View modes: 
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polarwarp-gmail - 2/1/2009 5:24:00 PM
Workflow issue
I could have sworn that I had workflow working on a site that I was playing with - however today I went to look at the versions tab and am told that workflow and versioning has not been set up for this site.

I go into Site Manager, Development, Workflow and have a default workflow schema set up with steps + scope of the web site that I've been playing with - yet in the pages it tells me that it hasn't been set up.

Any ideas on why this would have stopped working, what I need to check or do to get it working again?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/4/2009 3:58:58 AM
RE:Workflow issue

Was the document you have checked included in the scope you have defined? Could you please send us some screen shots or more details on the workflow configuration and also more details about the document - its type, location?

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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polarwarp-gmail - 2/5/2009 7:11:22 PM
RE:Workflow issue
I realised that I had 2 workflows setup - one was the default one, which although it has steps, does not appear to have a document scope set up. The other for news which still works.

So I figure if I define the scope for my site it will work! :) (I just saw my site name in the drop down list and figured that was it setup - until I compared with the news part).
