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Version 3.x > Portal Engine > Content of editable text webpart disappears with transformation View modes: 
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Gabriëlle - 1/16/2009 1:52:08 PM
Content of editable text webpart disappears with transformation
Hi there,

I've created an eventpage just like in your Corporate Site template. I've noticed that the text webparts there are of a static type.

I replaced the static type text webparts with the editable type because I would like to give my contenteditors the permission to edit these values with another text.

However, when I select an event from the repeater or from the calendar, the content of these webparts disappear.

Is there any way to prevent this?



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Elijah - 2/15/2009 10:24:07 AM
RE:Content of editable text webpart disappears with transformation
Make sure your editabletext web parts don't have any restrictions on "display for document types" or other such properties that could cause them to not show up when an event is selected (such as "hide on sub pages").

If that's not it... is the events repeater set up to use a selecteditem transformation or is it linking to a physically separate page? I know it sounds silly to ask, but hey... never know.

Hope this helps,

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Gabriëlle - 2/15/2009 12:09:42 PM
RE:Content of editable text webpart disappears with transformation
Hi Elijah,

Thanks for your reply, I allready 'fixed' the problem by linking the selected item to a pop-up which displays the event details, the editable text webparts will still display it's content. This suits me even better than displaying the eventdetails under the calendar.

However, maybe you can try it yourself...in the corporate site template, add an editable text webpart on the eventpage, place it above the eventrepeater and add some text. Now select an event, you can see the content will disappear.

Best regards,


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/19/2009 1:24:16 AM
RE:Content of editable text webpart disappears with transformation

Isn't it possible that you are using different page template or the template inheritance? It seems that the event detail page is using different page template (inheritance) and therefore the content is not displayed. When you are inheriting, the content of editable region is not stored to the template, so on the child templates is this region always empty.
I hope it makes more sense now.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Gabriëlle - 2/19/2009 1:23:57 PM
RE:Content of editable text webpart disappears with transformation
Hi Juraj,

Ohh yes ofcourse, thank you. I forgot that an event is a seperate page that indeed inherits! Stupid me, I overlooked it.

Best regards,
