Portal Engine
Version 3.x > Portal Engine > How to show product options View modes: 
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matth-videoideas - 9/18/2009 10:51:32 AM
How to show product options
This seems like a very basic task, but it somehow still eludes me. I want to figure out how to show a product's options when viewing it's details (e.g. - show that a PDA is available in blue, silver, or black, and let the customer pick one before adding it to their shopping cart). From the E-Commerce guide (I'm using Kentico 3.1a), I figured out how to add a product option category (e.g. "Color"), how to add specific options (e.g. - "blue", "silver", etc.).

My problem is that I can't figure out how to get those options to show when viewing the product on the webpage. It still displays as though there are no options available for that product. When viewing that product's page in the site, I have selected the appropriate option under (Product page) > Product > Options, but it still doesn't show.

All advice is welcome. Thanks in advance,

- Matt

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_mirekr - 9/20/2009 3:51:29 AM
RE:How to show product options

You are just missing ShowProductOptions="true" option in your CartItemSelector control in your product detail transformation code. Example:

<uc1:CartItemSelector id="cartItemSelector" runat="server" SKUID='<%#
ValidationHelper.GetInteger(Eval("SKUID"), 0) %>' SKUEnabled='<%#
ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(Eval("SKUEnabled"), false) %>'
AddToCartImageButton="AddToCart.gif" ShowUnitsTextBox="true"
ShowProductOptions="true" AddToWishlistImageButton="AddToWishlist.gif" />

For more information about this option, please read through following section from the e-commerce guide:


Best Regards,
Miroslav Remias.