9/4/2009 4:30:57 AM
GetFileURL on different site
I have two sites installed on my machine. The first site is a public site, while the other site is for internal use and only visible trough our intranet. We would like to have the intranet site to manage the information both for intranet and internet use, so we put all of the document type in the intranet site.
I'm having a problem to show images or file that is attached in the intranet site.
Here's one of the example of the problem. We have a repeater that looks like this:
<cc1:CMSRepeater ID="NewsRepeater" runat="server" EnableViewState="true" OrderBy="NewsReleaseDate DESC" SelectedItemTransformationName="CMS.News.NewsDetail" SelectTopN="6" SiteName="IntranetSite" TransformationName="CMS.News.Latest1" ClassNames="CMS.News" Path="/%" />
This repeater runs on "InternetSite" and it access data in "IntranetSite"
The CMS.News.Latest1 Transformation looks like
<%# IfEmpty(Eval("NewsTeaser"), "", "<img class=thumbz alt=\"" + Eval("NewsTitle") + "\" src=\"" + GetFileUrl("NewsTeaser") + "?maxsidesize=100\" />
and it generates the URL like
which does not show any image
if i change the url to
it would show the image but only trough our intranet.
The problem is, we need to run this repeater on our internet site which is visible trough the internet.
Is there's any way to show this image?