Portal Engine
Version 3.x > Portal Engine > product transformations View modes: 
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bijukumar.r-gmail - 1/21/2011 4:56:05 AM
product transformations

i created a document type names "item1",added the fields,transformations.

added a new page and created a item1 type document. i filled the values in form including item1 image.

but when i display this in product datatlist i didnt get any product vales like ProductName,ProductDescriptionin the products page.i only get the image .

<td colspan="2"><img src="<%# Eval("SKUImagePath") %>" width="160px" height="114px"/></td>

<td><%# Eval("ProductType") %></td>

<td><%# Eval("ProductName") %></td>

<td><%# Eval("ProductDescription") %></td>


<td><%# Eval("DisplayApplications") %></td>


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 1/24/2011 4:23:49 AM
RE:product transformations

you need to use the e-commerce functions in transformation to display the SKU data. Using default transformation you are displaying just document data.

I would like to recommend to check the Site Manager -> Development -> Document types -> E-commerce - Transformations type -> Transformations tab. There are created some sample transformations. Or, you can also take a look on the sample E-commerce site template to see how the transformations are used and which controls and functions are displaying the data you want.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus