Portal Engine
Version 3.x > Portal Engine > Password Policies View modes: 
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bgrva - 7/2/2008 7:49:55 PM
Password Policies
Is there a way to set properties which affect password policies for site users? For example, how do I control password strength or set a time limit for which a password expires and the user must create a new password? I know that the .Net membership API provides much of this out of the box with a SQL back end, but I was not able to find any documentation in the help on how to control this through the portal. I'd also like to be able to inform users up front of password requirements, and force them to change their password when their account is initialized and they login for the first time. Please let me know if any of this is controllable through the portal, or do I need to go into the config file, the api, or even the database.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 7/4/2008 4:47:20 AM
RE:Password Policies
You can modify the registration form web part (http://www.kentico.com/docs/devguide/modifying_the_design_of_standa.htm). In the code behind you will check the password format, etc.

You will probably need to add custom fields to the User table in DB (http://www.kentico.com/docs/devguide/overview12.htm). At least you will need to add some date field with the expiration date.

Then you will need to use custom event and security handlers where you will check the expiration date and provide appropriate action (http://www.kentico.com/docs/devguide/events_overview.htm).

I hope it will help and cover your needs.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus