Portal Engine
Version 3.x > Portal Engine > Store extra information for Kentico user View modes: 
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gnum - 6/20/2008 9:51:47 AM
Store extra information for Kentico user
I need to store some additional information for Kentico user.

Is there any simple way to add extra field in kentico users database? I need this field to be accessible from site templates/site logic and editable from admin area.

Thank you

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kentico_vitaja - 6/25/2008 7:50:37 AM
RE:Store extra information for Kentico user

Yes, Kentico CMS allows you to modify some of the system tables and enhance them with custom attributes. You can edit them in Site Manager -> Development -> System tables.

When you add a new column to the user profile, it's available on the Custom fields tab of the User properties dialog.

Best regards,
Vita Janecek