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Version 3.x > Portal Engine > Get Complete HTML of a page to print out a PDF on the fly View modes: 
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i.fila-smilenet - 8/28/2008 8:30:31 AM
Get Complete HTML of a page to print out a PDF on the fly
I need to get the complete HTML (like a Server.Execute("page.aspx")) of a page of a Kentico Site that is not "physical" obviously.

Anyone have ideas? I try with HTTPWebRequest copying cookies but didn't work, send me to the login page....

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i.fila-smilenet - 8/28/2008 9:02:49 AM
RE:Get Complete HTML of a page to print out a PDF on the fly
I've tried also with Server.Execute("CMSPages/PortalEngine.aspx?aliaspath=/utilities/note2pdf&ID=12 but server stops responding.

If I open the page via IE or Mozilla No problem....

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/29/2008 3:17:33 AM
RE:Get Complete HTML of a page to print out a PDF on the fly

I assume that you are using portal engine templates. If yes, could you please try to call the PortalTemplate.aspx?aliaspath=<alias_path_of_the_document>?
You should get the HTML code of the document you have specified in the query string parameter.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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i.fila-smilenet - 8/29/2008 7:37:39 AM
RE:Get Complete HTML of a page to print out a PDF on the fly
Already tried, Server.Execute didn't work because, in Portal Template, become recursive...
I've solved with HTTPWebRequest