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Version 3.x > Portal Engine > The HTTP verb POST used to access path is not allowed View modes: 
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crob611@gmail.com - 5/11/2008 6:46:27 PM
The HTTP verb POST used to access path is not allowed
We are evaluating KenticoCMS. I was trying to develop a relatively basic WebPart that includes an AutoComplete box using the AjaxToolkit AutoCompleteExtender.

The WebService that it calls is in the root of the KenticoCMS folder. It passes the request to the Service, but the response is :
The HTTP verb POST used to access path '/KenticoCMS/WebServices.asmx/Function/Function' is not allowed.

Anyone know of a way to fix this problem?

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tom@theatomgroup.com - 5/28/2008 5:18:44 PM
RE:The HTTP verb POST used to access path is not allowed
I'm having the exact problem -- a 405 error on the webservice call, and the name of my method being repeated. Anyone at Kentico monitoring this thread...? Thanks -Tom

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crob611@gmail.com - 5/28/2008 5:57:26 PM
RE:The HTTP verb POST used to access path is not allowed

The way I finally solved the problem was to create a separate project that hosts the web services.

So my folder structure now has /Kentico and /WebServices

Maybe not the best solution, but it worked.

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kentico_vitaja - 5/30/2008 9:03:18 AM
RE:The HTTP verb POST used to access path is not allowed

Recommended way to achieve this is to go to: CMS Site Manager -> Settings -> select your site -> URLs -> Excluded URLs and add directory which should be excluded. You won't need separate directories then.

Best regards,
Vita Janecek

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tom@theatomgroup.com - 7/7/2008 5:18:13 PM
RE:The HTTP verb POST used to access path is not allowed
Hi Vita, this didn't work for me, but I did add some code to Application_BeginRequest in Global.asax.cs that allowed me to bypass url rewriting for web services, i.e.:

if (Request.Url.ToString().ToLower().IndexOf(".asmx") > -1)