9/17/2008 8:19:59 AM
RE:Custom Horizontal Menu
i send u all my work. i want to add Devexpress 8.1 menu into my project. my programming language is vb
problem is that an error ocoures for this line of code
Public prop As CMSMenuProperties=New CMSBaseProperties
"type CMSBaseProperties is not defined"
Imports System.Collections Imports System.Web Imports System.Web.Security Imports System.Web.UI Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts Imports System.Web.UI.HtmlControls
Imports CMS.PortalControls Imports CMS.Controls Imports CMS.DataEngine Imports CMS.GlobalHelper Imports CMS.IDataConnectionLibrary Imports CMS.CMSHelper Imports CMS.ExtendedControls Imports CMS.TreeEngine
Partial Class CMSWebParts_MyWebParts_TACMenu Inherits CMSAbstractWebPart Public prop As CMSMenuProperties=New CMSBaseProperties
#Region "Public properties"
'/// <summary> '/// Gets or sets the class names '/// </summary> Public Property ClassNames() As String Get Return DataHelper.GetNotEmpty(ValidationHelper.GetString(Me.GetValue("Classnames"), Me.prop.ClassNames), Me.prop.ClassNames)
End Get Set(ByVal value As String) Me.SetValue("ClassNames", value) Me.prop.ClassNames = value End Set End Property
Public Property CombineWithDefaultCulture() As Boolean Get Return ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(Me.GetValue("CombineWithDefaultCulture"), Me.prop.CombineWithDefaultCulture) End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) Me.SetValue("CombineWithDefaultCulture", value) Me.prop.CombineWithDefaultCulture = value End Set End Property
Public Property CultureCode() As String Get Return DataHelper.GetNotEmpty(ValidationHelper.GetString(Me.GetValue("CultureCode"), Me.prop.CultureCode), Me.prop.CultureCode) End Get Set(ByVal value As String) Me.SetValue("CultureCode", value) Me.prop.CultureCode = value End Set End Property
Public Property MaxRelativeLevel() As Int32 Get Return ValidationHelper.GetInteger(Me.GetValue("MaxRelativeLevel"), Me.prop.MaxRelativeLevel) End Get Set(ByVal value As Int32) Me.SetValue("MaxRelativeLevel", value) Me.prop.MaxRelativeLevel = value End Set End Property
Public Property orderBy() As String Get Return DataHelper.GetNotEmpty(ValidationHelper.GetString(Me.GetValue("OrderBy"), Me.prop.OrderBy), Me.prop.OrderBy) End Get Set(ByVal value As String) Me.SetValue("OrderBy", value) Me.prop.OrderBy = value End Set End Property
Public Property Path() As String Get Return DataHelper.GetNotEmpty(ValidationHelper.GetString(Me.GetValue("Path"), Me.prop.Path), Me.prop.Path) End Get Set(ByVal value As String) Me.SetValue("Path", value) Me.prop.Path = value End Set End Property
published Public Property SelectOnlyPublished() As Boolean Get Return ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(Me.GetValue("SelectOnlyPublished"), Me.prop.SelectOnlyPublished) End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) Me.SetValue("SelctOnlyPublished", value) Me.prop.SelectOnlyPublished = value End Set End Property
Public Property SiteName() As String Get Return DataHelper.GetNotEmpty(ValidationHelper.GetString(Me.GetValue("SiteName"), Me.prop.SiteName), Me.prop.SiteName) End Get Set(ByVal value As String) Me.SetValue("SiteName", value) Me.prop.SiteName = value End Set End Property
Public Property WhereCondition() As String Get Return DataHelper.GetNotEmpty(Me.GetValue("WhereCondition"), Me.prop.WhereCondition) End Get Set(ByVal value As String) Me.SetValue("WhereCondition", value) Me.prop.WhereCondition = value End Set End Property
#End Region
Protected Sub SetupControl() If (Me.StopProcessing) Then
Me.prop.StopProcessing = True Else ' Initialize the CMSMenuProperties object prop.ParentControl = Me prop.Path = Me.Path prop.WhereCondition = Me.WhereCondition prop.SiteName = Me.SiteName prop.SelectOnlyPublished = Me.SelectOnlyPublished prop.OrderBy = Me.orderBy prop.CultureCode = Me.CultureCode prop.CombineWithDefaultCulture = Me.CombineWithDefaultCulture prop.ClassNames = Me.ClassNames prop.MaxRelativeLevel = Me.MaxRelativeLevel
prop.ClassNames = "CMS.MenuItem"
prop.DataSource = prop.GetDataSource()
Dim topNodeLevel As Int32 = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(prop.DataSource.Tables(0).Rows(0)("NodeLevel"), 0)
For Each dr As DataRow In prop.DataSource.Tables(0).Rows
If (ValidationHelper.GetInteger(dr("NodeLevel"), 0) = topNodeLevel) Then
'Get menu item nodeid (to get the child items) Dim nodeId As Int32 = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(dr("NodeID"), 0)
' Create menu item, add it to menu and populate it with subitems Dim child As New DevExpress.Web.ASPxMenu.MenuItem child = CreateItem(dr) menuMain.Items.Add(child) PopulateMenuItem(nodeId, child)
If dr("DocumentName").ToString() = "Services" Or dr("DocumentName").ToString() = "Images" Then
'child.SubMenuStyle. = ComponentArt.Web.UI.GroupOrientation.Horizontal
If (dr("DocumentName").ToString() = "Images") Then
child.SubMenuStyle.ItemSpacing = 10 End If End If
' Sample code end
Exit For End If Next
End If End Sub
Private Function CreateItem(ByVal dr As DataRow) As DevExpress.Web.ASPxMenu.MenuItem
Dim mnuItem As DevExpress.Web.ASPxMenu.MenuItem = New DevExpress.Web.ASPxMenu.MenuItem
' Set menu caption mnuItem.Text = GetMenuText(dr)
' Set URL Dim url As String = GetURL(dr) If (String.IsNullOrEmpty(GetURL(dr))) Then ' Disable item if there is no URL mnuItem.Enabled = False Else mnuItem.NavigateUrl = url End If
mnuItem.Image.Url = GetImageURL(dr, "", False, False)
mnuItem.Menu.CssClass = GetCSSClass(dr, False, True)
If (dr("DocumentNamePath").ToString().Contains("Images") And dr("DocumentName").ToString() <> "Images") Then ' Get menu item teaser If (dr.Table.Columns.Contains("MenuItemTeaserImage")) Then mnuItem.Image.Url = "getattachment/" + dr("MenuItemTeaserImage").ToString() + "/" + dr("NodeName") + ".aspx?height=100&width=120" End If
End If
Return mnuItem
End Function
Private Sub PopulateMenuItem(ByVal parentNodeId As Int32, ByVal parent As DevExpress.Web.ASPxMenu.MenuItem) Dim items As ArrayList = prop.GroupedDS.GetGroup(parentNodeId) If (items IsNot Nothing) Then For Each dr As DataRow In items Dim nodeId As Int32 = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(dr("NodeID"), 0) Dim child As DevExpress.Web.ASPxMenu.MenuItem = CreateItem(dr) PopulateMenuItem(nodeId, child) parent.Items.Add(child) Next End If End Sub
Private Function GetURL(ByVal dr As DataRow) As String Dim url As String If (ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(dr("DocumentMenuItemInactive"), False)) Then url = "" ElseIf (ValidationHelper.GetString(dr("DocumentMenuRedirectUrl"), "").Trim() <> "") Then url = ResolveUrl(dr("DocumentMenuRedirectUrl").ToString()) Else url = prop.GetItemUrl(ValidationHelper.GetString(dr("NodeAliasPath"), ""), ValidationHelper.GetString(dr("DocumentUrlPath"), ""), (dr("NodeLinkedNodeID") IsNot DBNull.Value)) End If url = HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlPathEncode(url) Return url End Function
Private Function GetMenuText(ByVal dr As DataRow) As String
Dim text As String
' If DocumentMenuCaption is not specified, use DocumentName field If ((Not dr.Table.Columns.Contains("DocumentMenuCaption")) Or (dr("DocumentMenuCaption") Is DBNull.Value) Or (dr("DocumentMenuCaption").ToString() = "")) Then
text = dr("DocumentName").ToString()
text = dr("DocumentMenuCaption").ToString() End If
Return text
End Function
Private Function GetImageURL(ByVal dr As DataRow, ByVal type As String, ByVal hoverImage As Boolean, ByVal activeImage As Boolean) As String
' Ensure correct type (if type parameter is wrong, then use centre image) If type = "" Then type = "" Else type = type.ToLower End If If (type <> "right" And type <> "left") Then type = "" End If
' Get correct Column name Dim columnname As String = "DocumentMenuItem" + type + "Image" + (IIf(hoverImage, "Over", ""))
If (Not hoverImage And activeImage) Then columnname += "Highlighted" End If
' Get URL Dim url As String = dr(columnname).ToString()
' If there is no image return null otherwise retrun the url 'return (url = "" ? null : url) Return IIf(url = "", Nothing, url) End Function
Private Function GetCSSClass(ByVal dr As DataRow, ByVal hoverImage As Boolean, ByVal activeImage As Boolean) As String
' Get correct Column name Dim columnname As String = "DocumentMenuClass" + (IIf(hoverImage, "Over", "")) If (Not hoverImage And activeImage) Then columnname += "Highlighted" End If
' Get name Dim name As String = dr(columnname).ToString()
' If there is no class return null otherwise retrun the name Return (IIf(name = "", Nothing, name))
End Function
Public Overrides Sub OnContentLoaded() MyBase.OnContentLoaded() SetupControl() End Sub
Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init prop = New CMSBaseProperties End Sub End Class