Portal Engine
Version 3.x > Portal Engine > Simple Documentation View modes: 
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GMichalek-cogeco - 10/15/2008 7:40:12 PM
Simple Documentation

Typical newbie stuff here. Being a hardcore coder I find it awkward trying to locate things in a non-programming environment. As I need to get this first site up asap I have opted to use a the corporate site portal template. I am currently printing reams of documentation which hopefully will guide me adequately.

Presently I am trying to figure out how to add another link to one or more special pages I'd like to display in the footer bar where the site map and disclaimer are currently located. I would like to add a privacy and terms link(s) on this bar.

Can someone point me to the best documentation which will explain how to accomplish this? It wouldbe greatly appreciated.



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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 10/16/2008 3:35:48 AM
RE:Simple Documentation
Hi Gary,

If you are using Portal engine templates, please click on the root document in the content tree. Then, on the Page tab scroll down and you will see an editable text region at the bottom with the links - here you can enter the links as it is usual in WYSIWYG editors.

If you are using ASPX template, please open the file for the master page - CMSTemplates\CorporateSiteASPX\Root.master and almost at the bottom of the aspx code you can see two HyperLink elements with links.

I hope it will help.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus