Portal Engine
Version 3.x > Portal Engine > Biz form - Export to excel View modes: 
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Vidhya - 10/9/2008 8:24:59 AM
Biz form - Export to excel
We have a bizform, with attachement and pictures as form elements.

Export to excel tool, lets us export the form results. Fine. But, the attachment and picture names are just exported as it is. I am looking at displaying/exporting the attachement document name and image as a web link, so, on click of it, the administrator can view the real document itself.

Is this possible?



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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 10/9/2008 9:27:48 AM
RE:Biz form - Export to excel

We will consider it as a new feature for the next version - it is a good idea!

Meanwhile, you could develop this functionality by yourself by re-writing the file:


You would need to add your code into the Foreach cycles (lines: 99 and 134).

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova