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Version 3.x > Portal Engine > WebPart linking (using variables) View modes: 
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cschlichter-fossind - 11/5/2008 6:28:32 PM
WebPart linking (using variables)
I've seen a similar post but am still confused...

I have a page with 2 webparts. One webpart has a DataGrid (left zone) and the other has a Details Control (right zone). Both are connected to a SQL database outside of KenticoCMS. What I want to happen is when I select a record in the webpart in the left zone, I want the webpart in the right zone to display the Details of that record. Also, I want to pass the User Logon name into the left zone webpart to quickly select userdata after logon.

I have had success doing all of the above without webparts but then I cannot get the datagrid and details formatted nicely side-by-side.

I understand there is an obsolete Web Part Binding method (tab) but I would rather not go that method as it is obsolete for a reason, right?

Anybody have any answers or sample code to share ???
