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SocuteRaptor-gmail - 11/17/2008 1:43:04 AM
CMSDatalist "space between 2 records"
How can I set the space between 2 records that the datalist display...

For example:
It display:
- Record 1...
<--- The space between 2 records
- Record 2...

But I want:
- Record 1
- Record 2 (almost no space, they're close to the other)

Any clues?


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SocuteRaptor-gmail - 11/17/2008 2:01:46 AM
RE:CMSDatalist "space between 2 records"
Ah, I forgot... There is one more problem... about spacing too...
The CMSDatalist show like this:
| Webpart Container |
|12049835085 |
| |
|- Record 2: ldkfjdlfkjdslfgjsldgjg |
|dglksdfjgldfkjhlfh |
| |
|- Record 3: rtjlfdkgjlskdfhjlskhjg <-------------------->| <---- This is the unwanted space...
|ghgshghsghsghsgh5 -46934-05 | How can I reduce it?
|#$%^&*()_)(((*&%^&*()*&^ |
|... |
|.... |

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 11/18/2008 9:30:41 AM
RE:CMSDatalist "space between 2 records"

the spaces (and all content and layout of the records) are ensured by the transformation used in your CMSDatalist.

Please see its code (web part Properties -> Transformation -> Edit). It is the code of one record.

Please re-write the HTML code and/or an applied CSS code according your needs.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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SocuteRaptor-gmail - 11/21/2008 12:43:51 AM
RE:CMSDatalist "space between 2 records"
I know. I re-wrote it, but it's still the same. If I set margin below 0, to make the records close together, they're even cut in half... and still have that space between them, regardless of how much I set margin below 0....

I wonder if I could post an Image for you to see... I just don't know how...

P/S: My records are just text, single-line, wrap-able text...

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 11/21/2008 10:24:15 AM
RE:CMSDatalist "space between 2 records"

I tried to use the CMSDatalist and use transformation like:

MenuItemID: <%# Eval("MenuItemID") %><br />

and there are no special spaces. The rows are directly below each other.

It seems it could be a CSS issue. Except the margin please check also 'padding' property.

You could use a CSS analyzer – e.g. Web Developer Toolbar of Firefox (CSS -> View style information) – to see what all CSS styles are applied on the row of CMSDatalist.

ps: You may post the link of the image (which is uploaded somewhere).

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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SocuteRaptor-gmail - 11/24/2008 12:57:09 AM
RE:CMSDatalist "space between 2 records"
I've found a way to solve this problem. Thank you anyway. You're so kind.