Portal Engine
Version 2.x > Portal Engine > Flushing cache when page is updated through CMS Desk View modes: 
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persun - 1/22/2007 6:37:24 PM
Flushing cache when page is updated through CMS Desk

Is it possible to make Kentico flush its cache when a page is updated through CMS Desk? I believe content editors will find it confusing if their changes take 5 or 10 minutes to show up on the live site.

/ Per

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admin - 1/24/2007 9:57:30 AM
Re: Flushing cache when page is updated through CMS Desk
This is planned for some of the next versions. In the current versions, the content editors can preview the document in the Preview mode (this mode doesn't use cache).

Best Regards,

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eric_s - 1/28/2007 4:33:10 PM
Re: Flushing cache when page is updated through CMS Desk
This is a bit of a hack solution, but basically, I added a page in the tools area that has a button that clears the cache. The button just does as follows, manually removing everything from the cache. Obviously not ideal, but it's helpful when I'm authoring pages and want to see results immediately.

protected void btnClearCache_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Clear all the items from the cache
//It's possible that this could cause some errors
IDictionaryEnumerator CacheEnum = Cache.GetEnumerator();
while (CacheEnum.MoveNext())
string key = CacheEnum.Key.ToString();
this.lblMessage.Text = "Cache was successfully cleared.";
catch (Exception ex)
this.lblMessage.Text = ex.Message;


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persun - 1/29/2007 12:16:00 PM
Re: Flushing cache when page is updated through CMS Desk
Alright, maybe I'll try something similar.

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admin - 2/6/2007 5:59:02 PM
Re: Flushing cache when page is updated through CMS Desk

we plan this for next versions, unfortunately, it's not included in 2.1 yet.

Best Regards,