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forrester - 4/9/2007 4:41:04 PM
Inserting .FLV file into a page
I am having trouble inserting a streaming .FLV file into my Kentico site. I have googled the issue and have not found a solution that works. Has anyone else had this problem or have a solution?

Thanks a lot,

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CleverDick - 4/10/2007 1:46:08 AM
RE:Inserting .FLV file into a page

I don't think you can embed a .flv into html.

Instead you create the .flv, import it into Flash and then create a .swf. I've done this before using a media component built-in to Flash Pro. It also includes a basic player to allow your users to start and stop the video.

If you don't have Flash, try Swish Video.

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forrester - 4/10/2007 3:52:50 PM
RE:Inserting .FLV file into a page
thanks for your response. I was trying to avoid using a third-party application.

After a little Googling, I found a javascript that worked. I did, however, run into some issues with the .flv file within an aspx page, so I made just a normal html page and linked to it.
