9/12/2007 10:05:06 PM
RE:Dynamic Repeater
OK, I'm still having a little trouble with this and I thought this was going to be the easy part of the project.
I have been using this page as a reference.
When I try to call the reference the repeater in the transformation, it tells me the item can not be found.
Can I only modify the repeater the current repeater with the code tab, or should I be able to modify the repeater in the transformation.
This is my code in the code tab
script runat=server public override void OnContentLoaded() { ContestRegionRepeater.SetValue(WHERECondition, State LIKE '%RegionName%'); base.OnContentLoaded(); } /script
Should I not have a WHERE condition in the repeater in the transformation?
I could change it manualy on each repeater code tab, but then again, I would be looking at hundreds of page templates since the code tab is inherit of the page template.
Sorry, I'm obviously not a programmer, but I am learning slowly and this will be my 4th project with your product.