Portal Engine
Version 2.x > Portal Engine > Web Part Code Tab View modes: 
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David - 6/2/2007 12:39:37 AM
Web Part Code Tab
I tried entering custom code in the 'Code' tab under web part properties and got an error where the object wouldn't instantiate on the page. I followed the directions in the DevGuide for creating a custom override script for a C# object. I then changed the code to be an empty script (<script runat="server"></script>) and still got the error.

Is there anything that needs to be done in web.config or elsewhere to get this code working?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 7/16/2007 3:15:57 PM
RE:Web Part Code Tab
Hi David,
What is your current Kentico version?
Could you please try to us in the code tab also the "this.ReloadData()"?