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Version 2.x > Portal Engine > Dynamic E-mails with BizForms View modes: 
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David - 5/31/2007 7:29:26 PM
Dynamic E-mails with BizForms
I am trying to set up a dynamic e-mail in a custom biz form (for example, sending the email to the user who just entered the data in the form). Other than entering a literal string ('xxx@yyy.com'), how can I specify the current user (as identified through the CMSContext) or specify an email field in the form data just entered (such as myForm.ContactEmail)?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 7/17/2007 11:17:59 AM
RE:Dynamic E-mails with BizForms
could you please send us an e-mail to support@kentico.com ?
It is little bit complicated solution and it is not very safe to place the source code to the public forum. Thank you.