Portal Engine
Version 2.x > Portal Engine > Multilingual Newsletter View modes: 
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jsalichos@gmail.com - 1/30/2008 10:14:11 PM
Multilingual Newsletter
Which is the best way to implement a multilingual Newsletter?
Is it natively supported, is there any workaround?



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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/14/2008 4:37:15 PM
RE:Multilingual Newsletter
Hi John,
Could you please try to use localization macros as described in our developer's guide:

These macros are also available for the newsletters.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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jsalichos@gmail.com - 2/14/2008 9:11:41 PM
RE:Multilingual Newsletter
Hi Jurajo,

thanks for your answer but let me explain the real problem.

I develop a multicultural site.
It has two cultures:
a. el-gr (greece)
b. us-en

Greek visitors should be able to subscribe to a newsletter in greek.

US visitors should be able to subscribe to a newsletter in English.

From my point of view there are 2 possible solutions:
a. I create 2 newsletters (1 Greek and 1 US)
b. I create 1 localized newsletter (I don't know how) that even if it is fisible I can't imagine how the system will determine if subscriber is Greek or US when it sends the newsletters!!!

So, I conclude the proper solution would be a.

If I create two newsletters then I have to let visitor deside which of two newsletter subscription they want.
So, I create a webpart of type newsletter subscription and define Newsletter name to: "Let the user choose".
The problem is that now vistors see both newsletters even though actualy only the one written in their culture is of interest.

Is there any way to let vistor select only newsletters written in their preffered culture?

Is there any way to have a webpart (in this example te nesletter one) displayed only in a certain culture. In that case I would be able to make two different webparts of type newsletter one for Greek Newsletter and on for the US newsletter.
(Ofcourse this solution isn't appropriate if there are more than one newsletters per culture).

thanks in advance,


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jsalichos@gmail.com - 2/14/2008 9:25:41 PM
RE:Multilingual Newsletter

found out that I hadn't undertand well how webparts work in multicultural environment.

I just tryied and see that properties of a webpart can be different for each culture (at least at version 3).

Consider my problem solved!