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paul - 12/20/2007 6:53:16 PM
Question About Forums Module
I've been evaluating the forums module and I'm finding it a bit of a struggle. I have a few questions I hope you can help me with:

1) Is it possible to show the user avatar in a post? I can't get it to show.
2) Is it possible to assign an icon to a Forum Group or individual Forum?
3) Is it possible to show an icon against a thread that is very popular (a lot of forums use a flame for example)
4) Is it possible to show an icon against a thread to indicate it's nature e.g. a question or exclamation?
5) Is it possible to disable the User name and Email field when a user makes a post? This seems really daft to me.
6) Is it possible to create a control that shows "hot topics" in the forums?

Unless I'm missing something the module just seems exceptionally simple - almost to the point of being unusable for a "real" community site. I'd be interested to hear anyones thoughts on this.

Finally, if the Forums module isn't really that great is it possible to integrate another forum like Community Server? Has anyone done this?


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cms@dicko.net - 1/2/2008 11:13:05 AM
RE:Question About Forums Module

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

My preferred option would be to support integration with dedicated forum software. I've recently evaluated phpbb 3 which looks impressive. I know it's PHP but I don't see why that would be the end of the world if all membership and session info is stored in the DB.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 1/8/2008 2:39:07 PM
RE:Question About Forums Module
Hi Paul,
regarding to your questions:
1) you can enable the user avatars in Forum Group web part configuration by setting the box "Enable images" to true. It will show the user images.
2) It is possible only by the page layout - you can add an image to forum modifying the page layout or you can also modify the CSS styles at <web project>\app_themes\<stylesheet name>\Forums.css
3-4) This features should be added in some of the next versions. We are still considering them and looking for some good solution.
5)You can modify the file in CMSForum folder - ForumNewPost.aspx but you also need to ensure the validity of the removed fields - e.g. by adding an empty value in code behind.
6) I am not sure what you mean with hot topics, but if you want to display most commented post or someting similar, you can for example try to create a transformation for repeater with custom query and obtain from DB the posts you want to.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus
Support Engineer