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Chunda - 7/5/2008 7:36:12 AM
Add Google Custom serach script error?
Is it possible to get a Google Customer Search element to show ok? www.google.com/cse

Added the script file to the Head options of the page ad-hoc template.

Added the form code provided by google, but when clicking the button I get the following javasccript error:

theForm.__SCROLLPOSITIONX.value is null or not an object

Any ideas?


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darrenh@bsi.co.uk - 7/8/2008 3:16:29 AM
RE:Add Google Custom serach script error?
Although I haven't tried using the Google custom search I had a similar problem with a form I had written myself. In the end I resolved it by placing the following just before the form close tag:

<input type="hidden" name="__SCROLLPOSITIONX" id="__SCROLLPOSITIONX" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="__SCROLLPOSITIONY" id="__SCROLLPOSITIONY" value="0" />

Hope this helps.
