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Version 2.x > Portal Engine > Page template vs page layout View modes: 
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persun - 12/15/2006 10:52:23 AM
Page template vs page layout

I'm a little curious what actually motivates the existence of both a page template and a page layout? To me they appear to be more or less the same thing or at least very tightly integrated with each other. Can anyone explain this to me? What are the advantages of having both? I'm sure I'm missing something.. :)



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persun - 12/15/2006 1:32:43 PM
Re: Page template vs page layout
I guess you could say the page template determines what web parts go on a page and the page layout where on the page they end up. Took a minute or two for me to figure this out :)

Perhaps the Design tab should make this clearer somehow? Maybe the "Web parts" and "HTML layout" radion buttons could instead have the labels "Page Template" and "Page Layout"?

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matt - 12/15/2006 5:51:38 PM
Re: Page template vs page layout
The way I understand it is that the layout is what defines a template and the design view of a document defines what goes in that template.

What's really confusing is that when you apply a template to a document and make changes, you're making changes to the template across the entire site and not just that instance of the template that's applied to the current document. That took me awhile to really grasp. But even that can be changed under the inheritance options of the template applied to each document. Which is really confusing but really powerful at the same time.