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patsikes - 11/30/2006 3:10:04 PM
Anyway to edit CSS outside of SiteManager?
Hi there,

I was wondering if there is anyway to edit CSS outside of the SiteManger. The reason is that everytime I make a change and save it, it roles the textbox back up to the top...


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matt - 12/5/2006 5:49:16 PM
Re: Anyway to edit CSS outside of SiteManager?
I've gotten to the point where I keep a copy of the all my CSS files in the web project, make my edits in my IDE and then copy and paste my changes into the SiteManager window. It's a bit of a pain but it's easier to read and edit the CSS. A temporary workaround, at least.

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admin - 12/7/2006 9:21:13 AM
Re: Anyway to edit CSS outside of SiteManager?
Hi Matt,

here's a tip from Dev Guide:

Using your favorite CSS editor for stylesheet editing

If you want to edit CSS styles with your favorite editor, you can simply use the @import directive to import your static CSS stylesheet and edit it in your editor. After you finish the design, you can simply copy and paste the stylesheet to Kentico CMS stylesheet.

@import url(../app_themes/mywebsitestyles/mystyle.css);

I hope this helps. We will try to improve this in the next releases - I understand that using external editor is more comfortable.

Best Regards,