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Version 1.x > Technical support > exporting data to XML doc for Flash View modes: 
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nsightmedia - 1/11/2006 2:11:20 AM
exporting data to XML doc for Flash

I am attempting to take an XSLT transformation of some data that I have stored and display it as a purely XML file so that it can be read by a Flash file. With the URL rewriting engine/controls, it seems like it always attempts to inject HTML headers, etc. into the file, rather than purely display only XML. Basically, I can retrieve XML formatting via ASCX or XSLT, provided it's within a regular page template. The problem is that the regular page template seems like it can only display HTML/XHTML pages and not a pure XML document. How can I achieve this? It seems like it should be easy to do.



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nsightmedia - 1/12/2006 1:22:54 AM
Re: exporting data to XML doc for Flash
Guess what...I found a way to make it work, although I don't think it is a proper way. In addition to placing the .aspx file in a directory that is "off the radar" so to speak, so URL reqriting does not affect it, I had to make sure the XML that is generated in the presentation layer includes an <html></html> tag in it at the end. It was the only way that I saw to prevent content replacement in the directory (v1.7b). So it worked then. Flash picked up the XML and the data was pulled via the API and stored transformations. So, that basically means the CMS is driving the Flash-presented XML content. Yay.

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admin - 1/13/2006 1:45:02 PM
Re: exporting data to XML doc for Flash
Thank you for your post. I'm sorry for the delay in answering it. Since version 1.8, you can exclude the page from URL Rewriting and output filter by addting the following parameter to your web.config file:

<add key="CMSExcludedDirectories" value="/registration;/subscriptions" />

In version 1.7b, you need to change the global.asax.vb/cs code so that it doesn't apply the output filter on your page.

Best Regards,

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Member - 6/16/2008 6:07:05 AM
RE:Re: exporting data to XML doc for Flash
Hi there I am looking at exporting my database as an xml file, that then I can take this into flash.

Could you explain how this is done? I am a little confused.

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Guest - 6/16/2008 6:43:16 AM
RE:Re: exporting data to XML doc for Flash
Hi there I am looking at exporting my database as an xml file, that then I can take this into flash.

Could you explain how this is done? I am a little confused.