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serdar - 8/17/2006 2:14:24 PM
CMS Layout
Hi all,

I want to learn, how I can develope a layout for my CMS and use it in all templates. For example in other CMS systems, there is a theme (or template) system for layout, and if you change .css file or other html tags, design of your site will be completly updated.

But with KenticoCMS I see that I should define a layout for every template. Is there an other way for layouting or styling?

In our test system we are using standart templates-designs of Kentico but our customer has their own design and we will get problems if we deliver our solutions without converting. I am looking for a solutions for that.


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admin - 8/18/2006 7:54:26 AM
Re: CMS Layout

you have to create a new page template for every new layout - the page template is THE layout. It's recommended that you also use ASP.NET 2.0 master pages that allow you to separate the main layout (main menu, logo, footer) from layouts of particular pages (such as products, news, etc.).

Best Regards,