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bchaseski - 8/30/2006 2:24:12 PM
Atlas enabled pages?
Good morning,
I'm trying to integrate Atlas (Microsoft's version of it on into a Kentico web application and the Atlas functionality does not work. Have you had any experience in using Atlas with Kentico? If so, I'd love to hear how you got it to work!

Thank you!

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admin - 8/31/2006 7:03:36 PM
Re: Atlas enabled pages?

we have recently prepared a sample project where Atlas works with Kentico CMS. If you want to use AJAX with Kentico CMS, you need to have <add key="CMSFixXHTML" value="false" /> parameter in your web.config and you can use only static <head> section in you HTML code.

If you want to test it, please download the following files:


Database backup:

How to use it:

1) Unpack the code files to your disk.

2) Unpack and restore the database on your SQL Server 2005.

3) Install ATLAS (http://www.microsoftcom/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=b01dc501-b3c1-4ec0-93f0-7dac68d2f787&displaylang=en) on your machine.

4) Update the connection strings in CMSConnectionString (appSettings section) and LocalSqlServer (ConnectionStrings section) parameters.

5) Open the project in VS 2005 and run it.

6) You can find an example of Atlas on the Products page.

7) You can see a sample of web parts on page Contact.

Best Regards,

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bchaseski - 9/6/2006 3:52:45 PM
Re: Atlas enabled pages?
Thank you very much!!!