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Version 1.x > Technical support > want to add my own formats in format dropdown of FCKeditor.. View modes: 
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Bipul Dobhal - 10/3/2006 8:43:12 AM
want to add my own formats in format dropdown of FCKeditor..

I want to add my own formats in format dropdown of FCKeditor but not able to do so.. :-(

I found the line
in fckconfig.js file and I think by setting my own format in this line may handle this problem because when I added any word or letter in this line like this
creates a format in combo box with named "Undefined"..

If i will get the source where these formats ('p;dic'pre;address;h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6' ) are defined then I will solve my problem.

Can any one shed some light on where and how to define the formats so that it will be rendered on the fckeditor's format combo box..?

Bipul Dobhal

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admin - 10/10/2006 10:57:37 AM
Re: want to add my own formats in format dropdown of FCKeditor..
Unfortunately, you cannot add custom items into this list. If you want to use custom styles, please add them to <your web project>\CMSDesk\aspnet_client\FCKEditor\fckstyles.xml as described in Developer's Guide -> Knowledge base -> KB0008 - Defining available styles for FCKEditor.

Best Regards,