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norashlea - 10/25/2006 10:05:03 PM
FCKEditor Javascript Error
In my development project, running in IE on localhost, I'm getting a javascript error which is preventing the wysiwyg editor to display:

Error: 'undefined' is null or not an object
URL: http://localhost/cmsdesk/aspnet_client/FCKEditor/editor/fckeditor.html?InstanceName=_ctl10_contentplaceholder1_PicsArea_FCKEditor_PicsArea&Toolbar=Default.

The strange thing is this does NOT happen in the deployed site on the remote host, and it doesn't occur when I run localhost in Firefox.

I've created customized toolbars to display in various editors, and they were all displaying without problems. This only began to happen a couple of days ago (site has been deployed for some time) and I can't pinpoint what has happened to cause it.

I've downloaded the complete ../FCKEditor folder from the host server and replaced the one in my project, rebuilt, but error remains.


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admin - 10/31/2006 1:54:37 PM
Re: FCKEditor Javascript Error
Could you please try to clear the browser cache, close the browser and open the editor again?

Please note: it's not recommended to overwrite the FCKEditor folder with standard FCKEditor package since there may be files modified by us.


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norashlea - 10/31/2006 7:46:37 PM
Re: FCKEditor Javascript Error
Thanks, Petr, but re: replacing the FCKEditor folder -- I was meaning getting the FCKEditor folder from../cmsdesk/aspnet_client/FCKEditor from the live site's hoster, not replacing it with FCKEditor from

I've tried clearing the cache a number of times, and the error remained, but I've tried again, rebooting my computer as well. This time it has worked!! It must be an issue with IE on my computer.

