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trint99 - 10/11/2006 8:43:03 PM
Publish permissions
Using 1.9.2454, C#.

I have set up roles and users on my site. We have the following roles:
Administrators - can do everything.
Editors - Can add, modify, delete any document type, but not publish.
File Editors - Can add, modify, delete file documents, but not publish.
File Publishers - Can add, modify, delete AND publish file documents.

I have done my best to set up the permissions for this. File Editors and Publishers can only create file documents as expected. The problem is that all roles can publish. This makes workflows pretty useless.

The only place I can find "Publish" permissions is under Content Staging and there I've granted Publish Documents permissions to Administrators and File Publishers only.


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argodev - 10/11/2006 11:57:24 PM
Re: Publish permissions
I think your understanding of "publish" might be skewed... the "Publish" action essentially is the action of a user at one stage of the workflow indicating that he/she is finished and is ready to send it on to the next stage... therefore... if you had a flow wherein you have three or four steps in your workflow, the permisison to actually publish to the site (make it live) is controlled by the roles that have permission to the very last step in the workflow. Does that help at all?

If not, let me know and I'll try to explain further.

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trint99 - 10/17/2006 6:18:42 AM
Re: Publish permissions
I finally got back to working on this problem. Your explanation made perfect sense and it looks like my workflow is acting as expected now. Thanks!!