9/23/2006 2:08:28 AM
FCKEditor Styles Dropdown Causing iexplore.exe error
I've been experiencing a problem with the styles dropdown in the FCKEditor causing an iexplore.exe application error.
When opening the Style dropdown, rolling over style names, but then clicking outside the dropdown (to close without selecting a style), the error occurs and IE crashes. Sometimes all open IE windows crash, and sometimes only the particular IE window (the one that website is running in).
At first I thought that it was something to do with the setup of my own machine, or my own dev IIS, but I've now found it is happening regularly on other machines, as well as on live servers.
I've had it occur in multiple CMSDesk applications, from versions 1.8.2266 upwards. Scenarios where I've seen it occur are:
--my own dev machine with the application running locally in XP Pro's IIS --my dev machine, running the live application from the remote hoster --on another of my machines running W2003 Server, running the live application from the remote hoster --on two machines at a client's office, a laptop and a PC, both running XP Pro, running the live application from the remote hoster
On all these machines, iexplore.exe crashes are rare (if ever), but when following the steps that I've described in the 2nd paragraph, you can almost be sure that it will crash.
Can anyone shed some light?
Regards, Sharon.