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Version 1.x > Technical support > BUG CMSDesk: copy, paste, cut doesn't work View modes: 
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wtijsma - 12/28/2004 10:33:21 AM
BUG CMSDesk: copy, paste, cut doesn't work
Tree operations like copy, cut and paste don't work as they should. I haven't been able to duplicate nodes to another location, the system waits a long time, but no new or moved nodes appear. There's no error either.

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wtijsma - 12/28/2004 11:10:28 AM
Re: BUG CMSDesk: copy, paste, cut doesn't work
Ok, sometimes it works. However if accidentally I pasted a node with the same alias, it is renamed to <nodename>(1) and can't delete any of them anymore

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admin - 12/28/2004 3:31:12 PM
Re: BUG CMSDesk: copy, paste, cut doesn't work
Hi Wiebe,

Unfortunately, we cannot reproduce this error in version 1.3b. Do you get any error during the deletion? If not, could we connect to your computer remotely and help you solve this?

Thank you.

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wtijsma - 12/28/2004 3:39:00 PM
Re: BUG CMSDesk: copy, paste, cut doesn't work
Not at the moment, I'm running it locally.
I'll set up my server as soon as possible, I'll give you complete access.

How I did it: I created the entire tree structure, but after the multilingual implementation, I wanted to cut 'n paste all existing nodes under a culture version. This didn't work.

The deleting problem occured when I copied a node with the same alias/name to another node. The name and alias of the pasted document are renamed to Wave (1), and it's impossible to delete any of the 2 nodes.

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admin - 12/28/2004 4:57:21 PM
Re: BUG CMSDesk: copy, paste, cut doesn't work
I did the same in the installation with multilingual support and it works :( But if it is possible, we would like to debug this issue on your machine. It may be caused by some inconsistency in the database.

We are able to connect to your local machine even if you do not have a public IP through the GoToMeeting ( service and see/control your desktop. If this is acceptable for you, please let me know when you have time to do that.

Thank you.