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phan - 12/28/2006 2:32:26 PM
how to create user registration page.
Can I create the page to automatically register new user in kentico? And in some case, user will receive the letter to activate own account .

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admin - 12/28/2006 3:54:48 PM
Re: how to create user registration page.

Thank you for your message. You need to build a standard ASPX form and use Kentico CMS API to create users and assign them to chosen roles (if required).

using Kentico.CMS.DataEngine;

DataClass userObj = new DataClass(“cms.user”);
userObj.SetValue(“username”, “johns”);
userObj.SetValue(“fullname”, “John Smith”);

GeneralConnection cn = new GeneralConnection();
object[,] paramsIdent = new object[ 2, 3 ];
paramsIdent[ 0, 0 ] = "@UserID";
paramsIdent[ 0, 1 ] = userObj.GetValue("userid");
paramsIdent[ 1, 0 ] = "@RoleID";
paramsIdent[ 1, 1 ] = roleId; //set appropriate value here
cn.ExecuteQuery( "CMS.User.AddToRole", paramsIdent );

If the account needs to be activated, you can create the account with some temporary (secret) password and set it to a new password (e.g. blank password) when the user clicks the activation link in the e-mail that you sent during the registration process. The link will point to your custom page that will reset the password.

Best Regards,