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wtijsma - 2/7/2005 2:17:51 PM
How to: Change the formatting of the aliaspath

If I want to change the aliaspath that is generated by default, where would I have to change this? Normally, I never want to have spaces in an alias path, but would like to replace them with dashes or underscores...

Regards, Wiebe

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admin - 2/7/2005 2:54:05 PM
Re: How to: Change the formatting of the aliaspath
Hi Wiebe,

You can change the alias path in the properties of the selected document in Kentico CMS Desk.

If you would like to modify this directly in the source code, you can modify the FORBIDDENFILESYSTEMVALUES constant in the TreeEngine.TreeNode class. This constant contains all forbidden values that are automatically replaced with underscore ("_").

I think it will be useful if we make this configurable in the web.config, so that you can easily change it. We will implement this in one of the nearest version.

Thank you.

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wtijsma - 2/8/2005 4:29:52 PM
Re: How to: Change the formatting of the aliaspath
yes I've seen that form :-) currently I've hardcoded the modifications in the TreeProvider.cs, because I'd like dashes (-) instead of underscores.
