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wtijsma - 2/2/2005 5:43:48 PM
Replication problem

I tried applying a Publishing replication scheme to the KenticoCMS database, but this caused problems.

The publishing engine adds a "uniqueidentifier" (ROWGUID) field to each table.

The problem lies in the way some of your views, queries and stored procedures are built up.

Some views contain SELECT * FROM, instead of only required fields, wich means that if a field is added to a table, the view renders incorrectly. A solution would be to change the SQL scripts that generate the views to use 'CREATE VIEW WITH SCHEMABINDING'.

another issue is that you add parameters (from KenticoCMS) dynamically to different sql commands, based on the fields in the current dataset. This means that if the table contains an additional column, it will also be added as a parameter (updating users, updating class documents, etc.) causing the stored procedure to fail.

It's not a big deal yet, as we don't use it, but it's something to take into account with future development. In the future we will need to replicate with a server in China, as the connection to European servers is extremely slow because of filters the Chinese government applies to each connection.

Any ideas?


Wiebe Tijsma

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admin - 2/3/2005 4:17:35 PM
Re: Replication problem
Hi Wiebe,

Thank you for notifying us about this problem. We will certainly try to solve it in one of the next versions.

Thank you.